A deeply personal reflection on what it means to live one life while connected to one so vastly different. When the story of the land intertwines so inherently with your own, that you are no longer from it...but of it.
Written over a year ago, a homage of sorts to my family, our history, and the land that continues on.

Surrounded by suits, collars, and college degrees
Blending in, mingling, within the ranks
Of a class a lifetime away
From the dreams
And prayers
Dirt road
In Echols County,
Georgia, the lone place
My soul breathes free, unshackled
By steel towers and nature that exists
Solely in pre-planned, cultivated boxes and lots
Ruts and washed-out roads
Announce my arrival
And as if on cue,
My speech grows slower
And an accent, carefully crafted
Over years to remove any trace
Of the depths of my history,
Three steps up, or was it five
To the clapboard farmhouse porch
Two chimneys, left and right both
Flank one wide hallway
Numbers to remember
What time will not
Simple people never make
History books
But they made me
No, farther back still
Toil and sacrifice
With faith and hope
In tomorrow
And its weather
Bulldozers did their sworn duty
And what had sheltered generations
Was torn up and carried away
And is now no more
A resting place
Without a burial
Or headstone
Nature reclaimed the rest
Sheds, hog pens, and the like
The trees stand sentry
O’er a missing piece
Pecan tears drop
Never to be gathered
Across the way
On the same
Dirt road
Is where my Granny lived
She was called home too
No bulldozers
But a truck
Hauled her place away
Leaving more trees
Weeping Spanish moss
Bent o’er
An emptiness
Surrounded by acres
And acres
Of sprouting life
In rows aplenty
Never once was she bothered
By shades of brown
In a Yankee no less
Who married her first
How she loved
Her grandbabies
And great-grandbabies so.
And now she’s gone
I have more questions to ask
From an unsuspecting mouth swab
Would she have known?
Were there whispers?
Would she have been surprised?
Or better to not have known
For safety in her era
And the eras before her
Passing until
Passing is forgotten
One drop
I walk the same dirt road
Where my first steps
Were taken
Tying me to the past
And allowing me a future
Free of poverty
Free of farming’s labor
Back to meetings with tailored suits
And phones that never quiet
But I’d rather be
In jeans and a t-shirt
Wondering if one day
The trees will grieve for me
An old
Dirt road in
Echols County, Georgia
Beautifully written!! ❤️
This is beautiful and it made me cry. So many memories!