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Nothing Else Feels Like New Beginnings

New beginnings are joyful things, and they are made possible by coming to terms with the idea of change.

You know how you can smell that rain is coming from miles away before it actually does? Something else is like that.

New beginnings.

Ok, true, you cannot actually smell it, but you can feel it. Notes of joy, nervousness, and hope cloud the air. You feel like you are on the precipice of something that will be markedly different, and in a decidedly good way.

Nothing else smells like rain rolling in, and nothing else feels like new beginnings.

But how do we get there from here? First, we have to deal with that six-letter word we treat like a four-letter word, “change.” The premise of a new start is not possible until we come to terms with the idea of change.

Change can be intentional or forced. We can choose it freely like a pastry with our coffee, or it can be forced upon us like in-laws at Christmas. Regardless of its source, we still have to deal with it. When we aspire to change from within ourselves, we have a head start. The decision process is condensed, and you move into implementation.

But what about when we are forced to change? Layoffs, burnout, health, financial obligations, family dynamics, and more are factors likely to force our hand. Something has to give, the here and now no longer works, and we no longer have a choice in the matter. And that is exactly what makes it difficult; we no longer have a choice. Whether we want to admit it or not, there is a grieving process or a path of coming to terms with what has transpired.

New beginnings are not possible until you are at peace with the idea of change.

Take your time to deal with that six-letter word. Rage, cry, opine, vent, or drown it in the beverage of your choice. But when the day breaks, be at peace with the direction you are facing.

With peace comes clarity of mind, vision for the future, and a focus on making the best next turn. We were never meant to stay on one path for the whole of our lives (even if we really, really liked it and it had great curb appeal). Beauty and purpose exist on every possible route we could take, even if we are reluctant to see it at first.

The moment you realize that--is when you move from change to new beginnings.

Joy (yes, joy!) creeps in, bringing new hopes and opportunities. A dash of nervousness is there too, a normal part of anything new. You walk lighter, you smile more, and gosh, you feel like yourself again. You can feel it from your head to your toes.

New beginnings are joyful, contagious things. Write the next chapter, conquer the next hurdle, share your talents, free yourself. You are meant for greater things.

Your time is coming. Just like the rain, I can feel it on the horizon.

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