In honor of all veterans, for Veterans Day. May we recognize what it means to serve and to live a life forever tied to just such a service.

Come and sit a spell
Lay your ruck sack and burdens down
Untie the many laces and threads
Of memories both good and haunting
Let your eyes adjust
Out of the thousand-yard stare
And into the present
After the free meals and handshakes
And thank-yous for your service
Smiles and camaraderie
With other branches
Who may not have walked your path
But understand, inherently
Come and sit a spell
Watch the sun as it marks
Day unto night
And night unto day
Whether in peacetime
Or in war torn corners
The sun, ever constant
Marking passage
Of enlistments and deployments
Discharges and retirement
Fight for what is worth remembering
And guard against the terrors of the night
But for this moment at least
Come and sit a spell
No need for words
Let the silence carry
For in it, all that needs to be said
Is transmitted
Message received
I will stay here
Shoulder to shoulder
With you
My friend
We all stumble
We all fall
To rise is a choice
I hope you make
And find comfort enough
To know your worth and value
And find your peace
Come and sit a spell
Nice Message